Fausto Papetti - Titoli vari - Album LP - 19651977

contattami 47.87 EUR

1 25ª Raccolta\tDurium – ms AI 77390 LP, vg+ sleeve vg+ Album, Gatefold Italy\t1977
2 The saxy sound of Fausto Durium MSA 77060 Netherlands 1967 vinyl and sleeve vg+
3 Romantic Moments Fontana 6375301 Netherlands 1977 vinyl and sleeve nm
4 8a Raccolta On the beach Durion MSA 77110 Netherlands 1965 vinyl and sleeve vg+
5 .So in love Durium 5006 Nethetlands 1974 vinyl and sleeve vg+
6 Agrada Billissimo- 7 Durium 3076 Gatefold Spain 1979 vinyl nm sleeve vg+
7 Ciao Italia "I remember No 7" Durium 77274 Italy 1971 vinyl and sleeve nm
8 I remember nr. 4 Durium 77178 Italy vinyl and sleeve vg+
9 20a Raccolta Durium 77363 Italy 1975 vinyl and sleeve nm
10 18 beroemde melodieën duo Haay & Faay Gatefold Netherlands 1976 vinyl + sleeve vg+
11 12a Raccolta Durium 77284 Italy 1971 vinyl and sleeve nm Chiudi

Luogo: Puglia - Brindisi

Aggiunto a 5 giorni fa e scade il 16 August
ID annuncio: 335085
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