GROUP IN Formation We are Looking For

contattami 81.68 EUR

Group in Formation We are Looking for Members Between 50 and 70 Years Old Fitness Lovers (Therefore in Good Phisical and Phychic Shape)Scooter and Motorcycle Enthusiasts Curious to Discover Rome and Its Architectural History as Well as Its Cousine.Good Interpersonal Skills Required, and Above All Not to Take Oneself Seriously.Therefore Depressed,Neurotic, Self Centerd ( Yes to Eccentric!! Without Exaggerating NO Row In Reverse.Message Aimed Especially at Positive,Emotionally and Temperamentally Indipendent Women We are Looking for New Year's Women Organizers The Motto is "Life is Now" Chiudi

Luogo: Lazio - Roma

Aggiunto a 1 giorno fa e scade il 19 August
ID annuncio: 571748
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