La Filotecnica Salmoiraghi made in Italy Italian camera copy of the Houghton Ensignette N2. Fotocamera pieghevole analogica

95 EUR

Up for auction is a very rare La Filotecnica Salmoiraghi made in Italy, an Italian copy of the Houghton Ensignette N2. The camera is in fantastic condition, the leather bellows is intact and light-tight, without holes, without tears. Shutters shoot at all speeds, and also B and T work great. The diaphragm is placed in front of the optics and is intact and works perfectly. The metal pulls are not deformed and the camera opens well without jamming. Camera comes with a leather case and reel. Chiudi

Luogo: Lazio - Frosinone

Aggiunto a 24 giorni fa e scade il 30 July
ID annuncio: 544805
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